Friday, March 20, 2009

Turning over an old leaf (several!)

If you've ever read The Secret Garden, you'll understand when I say I feel like Mary Lennox these past few weeks. I have been taking advantage of the 60-70 degree temperatures and unearthing a space for a garden. The idea has been lurking in my brain for a few years, but finally, thanks to my friend Carol's help, I am making headway toward a real garden. For the past few years I have primarily grown herbs in containers, with an unsuccessful attempt at tomatoes. The space I've been clearing was previously used as a garden but was abandoned at least five years ago, with some parts of the garden not receiving attention for a good decade. I've been hacking, pulling, digging, raking, and in general just clearing the space in which to grow vegetables.

I've been doing a lot of reading lately about organic gardening methods. A little more than a week ago we went to the Goodwill where Carol ran into the book Carrots Love Tomatoes. She and I had been talking about that book a few weeks back, so she got it and gave it to me. I've been pouring over it considering the benefits of companion gardening. I also started a compost pile where I am putting all the debris from my garden clean-up along with scraps (not meat) leftover from the kitchen. It won't be done "cooking" for a few months, but when it is, there will be some prime soil for future gardens!

In the meantime, as I've been raking out a very neglected section of the garden, I discovered some well-composted soil from years of leaves, sticks and dirt piled in the same area. I'll make use of that in my garden!

I was recently reflecting back to a time in the not-to-distant-past when I refused to dig in the dirt because "there are bugs!" and how I now boldly rake through leaves that just as well could have snakes, knowing that what I am doing now will benefit our grocery bill this summer.

I did go to Seed Savers yesterday and order several seeds. I may be a bit ambitious, but I'm trying to limit what I grow to those things I know we buy on a regular basis in the summer time. I have also been planting other seeds that I already had, and some I bought locally. So far I've planted:

  • Basil

  • Turnips

  • Lettuce

  • Green Onions

  • San Marzano Pole Tomatoes

  • Beefsteak Tomatoes

I'm waiting on the following seeds from Seed Savers, which I will plant immediately upon their arrival!

  • 2 kinds of cucumbers: lemon and pickling

  • Beets (Detroit Dark Red)

  • 2 kinds of peppers: Hinkelhatz and Cayenne (I put red pepper flakes in almost everything I cook!)

  • Purple Tomatillos--this is something I grew by accident a few years ago and we really enjoyed them!

  • And 3 more kinds of tomatoes! Cherry, Black and Green

It may seem a bit ridiculous to have five kinds of tomatoes, but we go through a lot of tomatoes in this house. In the fall I will can tomatoes, tomato sauce, and salsa. I love canning pickles too!

Watch this space as spring progresses and see how my garden grows!